Sing Up























Topics from Enterprises



  1. 環境保護,能夠有效處理製程排氣,避免與減少半導體工廠製程副產物對於環境的汙染。
  2. 半導體生產過程於設備排氣管路,氣體分子容易於管路中凝結成粉塵並附著於管壁上,這會影響抽氣效率與耗能,當到達一定程度時 也會導致生產停頓,必須停機清潔管路,這些副產物對於人員與環境都有一定的汙染與傷害。
  3. 如何讓半導體製程副產物不會附著於排氣管路之管壁上,減少清管的頻率,減少環境汙染,降低能耗,是我們努力的目標。所以需求一種偵測、預測與防止排氣管路塞管的方法,讓粉塵能夠完全集塵於local scrubber處理,人員不需要清潔管路之粉塵,致使人員安全,環境潔淨。

1. 環境保護,減低能耗,改善生產環境。
2. 保護人員安全與衛生。
3. 減少生產設備停頓時間。
4. 能夠智能偵測預警管壁粉塵堆積程度。
5. 有效解決排氣管路塞管問題。




  1. 協助企業以經濟效益最佳的方式購買綠電,以達到碳中和的目標。
  2. 協助綠電供應商以最有效率的方式,售出綠電給需要的企業。
  3. 提供綠電給企業,協助企業降低最高需量。


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The ideal system and management mechanism we`re looking for, shall capable of controlling the amount of Scope 3 greenhouse gas emissions (15 subcategories in total) within the boundary of the site. Considering that most of the Scope 3 GHG emissions come from suppliers’ carbon emissions management, the ideal management system required in this case shall also be able to account and manage suppliers’ carbon emissions, and assist its user in communicating with the supply chain. The functions to assist users in evaluating/calculating its internal carbon pricing will be a plus.
  1. Our purpose is to establish a system and mechanism to assist our company and suppliers in understanding the sources of carbon emissions and the amount of carbon emissions in the process of establishing a renewable energy site, from the construction to the overall operation and maintenance of the power generation process.
  2. In addition to investigating the carbon emission sources and emissions, the candidate can be equipped with the function of estimating and aggregating the carbon footprint data of products.
We invite submissions from international startups who have registered in Taiwan. The competition presentations can be submitted in either Chinese or English.





  1. 智能管理系統,可即時協調需求並提供智能辦公及會議室預約服務。
  2. 使用室內有效之獵能系統(動能及太陽能等),結合低功耗螢幕之特性,打造能源循環系統,無須接電以及降低整體功耗。
  3. 可使用於無接電之環境,如會議室門牌以及座位桌牌等。




  1. 應用情境一: 廢棄面板經過友達之D轉R技術,將液晶面板玻璃破碎後,與偏光片進行分離,再將偏光片進行再利用。

  2. 應用情境二: 生產面板之製程,不良品重工撕除後之偏光片,進行再利用。







題目一 廠區數位雙生


從建築物到廠務設備存在各式各樣的資訊,但缺乏如BIM(Building Information Modeling) 的共通模型定義語言及資料結構做基礎,導致資料格式互不相通,難以擷取及呈現。

題目二 材料碳排係數自動搜尋



題目一 廠區數位雙生

1. 從無塵室內考量建物結構與設備分布及運轉資訊進行動態模擬預測(Ex.氣流/落塵)。
2. 整合全廠務系統進行設備運轉策略模擬,針對大量設備同時演算找出控制效率與能效檢討問題,達到建築物長期的節能與近零碳管理。

題目二 材料碳排係數自動搜尋





  1. 台達電全球據點超過兩百個。員工超過80,000人。
  2. 已依據金管會2025年計畫將子公司均納入盤查,且參與SBTI 科學減碳倡議。
  3. 台達電屢次獲得永續指標相關獎項,致力成為永續企業之典範標竿,除既有之組織內碳盤查及減量外,已持續擴及供應鏈上下游,透過企業影響力,擴大參與永續作為的企業數。
  4. 預計邀請員工參與減碳作為,提供員工減碳作為之參考,透過競賽及獎勵提高員工參與度,並讓員工清楚了解各項作為可對永續環境產生的影響。
  5. 除工作場景外,亦鼓勵員工將節能減碳之習慣帶入生活習慣中,影響更多家人。


  1. 提供員工減碳知識及可執行作為。
  2. 推動員工減碳活動參與及記錄。
  3. 進行競賽或減碳獎勵活動。
  4. 碳資料庫建立及科學量化減碳量。
  5. 企業減碳儀表板及碳權開發。


  1. 員工雖想參與節能減碳作為,但對於實際可於個人行動作為上可採取的措施無法知道效果為何。若可透過紀錄,讓員工的參與統計,可更有向心力共同完成減碳目標。
  2. 企業若想進行或推廣某項減碳作為時,無法追蹤紀錄,亦無法落實獎勵。需要科學化且可被查證的計算及記錄過程,才可在未來若有各項國際指標、競賽或是碳權開發時,可有佐證資料,不浪費所減碳可獲得的碳權利益。


  1. 可參考國家或國際所提出的減碳資料,及量化方式提供給每位員工可執行的減碳作為及減碳專案。
  2. 建立每位員工碳存摺,在符合平台提出的減碳作為下,進行減碳統計。可透過上傳照片佐證來取得減碳證明。
  3. 透過平台發布年度的公司減排計畫,鼓勵員工共同達成,透過員工參與,打造減碳成果的榮譽感,讓員工對於打造永續企業有所參與感。
  4. 依照工廠、辦公室、員工個人的各種場景建立不同場景及專案,制定合理且可達成的減量目標。
  5. 透過減碳專案或員工個人碳存摺,轉化成福利點數或是獎金之方式,獎勵員工參與。並搭配企業碳定價之措施,作為各部門的碳排放及減碳量之績效統計。
  6. 扣除個人機密之資料外,其減量成果,可作為教育推廣及企業形象用。
  7. 預期可達成減碳的作為 :
    • 低碳運具。大眾運輸、步行、自行車、共乘。
    • 環保杯及環保餐具使用比例。
    • 使用自備環保袋。
    • 紙張減量及回收。
    • 二手物品回收及採購。
    • 遠距會議取代現場會議。
    • 素食餐飲次數。
    • 選擇具有碳標籤或減碳標籤之產品。
    • 購買節能標章電器產品、省水標章產品。


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The world’s annual carbon emission is more than 50 billion tons, among which Taiwan’s annual carbon emission is about 250 million tons. Although the carbon capture technology has gradually matured, the application after the CO2 capture mainly focuses on the traditional fields of enhanced oil recovery and underground storage. In Taiwan, the reuse of CO2 after capture and the related carbon cycle economy has been still at the exploratory stage.

Pain Point

  1. The applications of CO2 from carbon capture are limited and not proportional to the amount of CO2 produced by the capture technology. (e.g. making carbonated beverages, dry ice, or supplying plant factories).
  2. Taiwan’s current CO2 storage capacity in the sea and on land is about 45 billion / 3 billion tons, however, due to Taiwan’s land area and environmental constraints, storage is not a long-term solution in terms of economic efficiency. Without the support of related applications, the development of carbon capture utilization will not be able to be widely implemented due to cost and other factors.

Expected Objectives

  1. To find out the solution for the application of effective CO2 removal (application possibilities in various fields), so that CCUS technology can be developed in conjunction with renewable energy, and become a pillar for promoting green energy and carbon reduction.
  2. Focusing on the ship-based transportation industry, provide green methanol to replace the high carbon emission heavy oil fuel. Green methanol can be produced by using green hydrogen obtained from electrolysis of water, combined with CO2 after capture to produce green methanol through the conversion of metal catalysts. Although the technology is already available, the bottleneck is the high manufacturing cost and difficulty in mass production.


  1. Increase the application scope of CO2 after capture and reduce the cost and pressure of storage.
  2. Create green fuel resources for effective recycling and reuse.
  3. Enhance the sustainable value of enterprises.

*We invite submissions from international startups who have registered in Taiwan. The competition presentations can be submitted in either Chinese or English.






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leverage EMS vision system remote control office energy/ air condition through time scheduling.

  1. Build up power spending hierarchy structure to achieve power saving goal through EMS dashboard
  2. Leverage EMS system control air condition
  3. Leverage cloud big data analysis result to schedule system on/ off sequency to control air condition/ power source and alarm unreasonable power consumption situation through remote control
  4. EMS device need go through Bluetooth mesh technology for communication and system integration.

*We invite submissions from international startups who have registered in Taiwan. The competition presentations can be submitted in either Chinese or English.



題目一 智慧化碳盤查平台(台中廠區)

  1. 配合ISO 14064 導入,現以Excel表格搭配IPCC公告係數法,對各排放源活動數據進行蒐集與量化。
  2. 本公司硝酸工場將導入溫室氣體減量設備,故原溫室氣體盤查需由係數法改為直接量測法,並建立智慧化碳盤查平台提升管理效率,透過即時監測並自動收集數據以利企業確認減量成效。

題目二 全廠區智能調控冷卻系統(苗栗廠區)


題目一 智慧化碳盤查平台(台中廠區)

  1. 建立智慧化碳盤查平台,以資訊化及數位化方式進行碳管理。(Databank:2022~2024)。
  2. 配合溫室氣體監測計畫及線上監測儀器建置,由係數法改為直接量測法,以硝酸工場煙道尾氣為範疇,套入CDM ACM0019之方法學完成線上碳排量數據分析及報告產出。
  3. 配合溫室氣體自主減量計畫推動,透過智慧化平台產出減量前後報告。

題目二 全廠區智能調控冷卻系統(苗栗廠區)


  1. 冷卻水應用目的:供給各生產工場之製程進行熱交換應用。
  2. 冷卻水供給範圍5座生產工場殼管式冷熱交換器。
  3. 冷卻水系動力設備:75HP、150HP水泵及20HP風扇。
  4. 冷卻水塔構造與配置:2座(蒸發式),並聯配置。


  1. 冷卻水系統建於各工場的中央區域,利用兩台冷卻水泵並聯輸出,並由水路管線分支至各生產工場使用。平時依據生產製程溫度,由人力判斷是否需使冷卻系統供水泵為單獨運轉或同時運轉協助控制水量需求、節能工作等 。
  2. 本廠這5座生產工場之中,有3座工場仍是採取批次型態生產製程運作,既表示冷卻水需使用的時間非屬24小時連續。一般經驗顯示,冷卻水系統相比較於各工場的製程系統主機 及動力設備等,平均耗電成本占約50~60%。
  3. 影響系統耗電牽連的因素及參數很多,包含主機電機與機械效率、冷卻水溫度、冷卻水水量、冷卻水塔效能損失、製程熱交換器容量、操作設定的數值等,其關聯性相當複雜。
  4. 為期望冷卻水系統能夠依各工場需求變化而有效自動調節,取得最適恰效果,將針對冷卻水系統動力設備、風扇的控制節能為主題,使全廠冷卻水系統達到智能調控節能的目的。


  1. 評估冷卻水塔、供應水量、水量分配效益計算與確認。
  2. 設立冷卻水動力系統、水量調節 智能 變頻 調控 系統。
  3. 設置溫度、壓力回饋的自動變頻控制系統。
  4. 節能、減碳、碳權量之效果確認。


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1.Automotive PCB Recycling

Recycling composite plastics and electronic components used in automotive parts poses technical challenges. Introducing new technologies to efficiently recycle these materials into high-quality plastics for automotive components is crucial.

2.Sustainable circuit board for automotive electronics

Continental supply electronics for automotive industries. In vehicles, Printed Circuit board is one of the main contributor in product carbon footprint Automotive.

1.Automotive PCB Recycling

  1. Compliance with Automotive Recycling Laws in Japan.
  2. Maximizing the recovery of valuable materials from ELV components, especially those found in PCBs (such as precious metals and rare earth elements), is a priority.
  3. Recycling processes should minimize environmental impact. This includes waste reduction, energy-efficient methods, and avoiding harmful emissions during recycling.

2.Sustainable circuit board for automotive electronics

Continental is searching for novel solution for circuit board that can improve sustainability. Solution can already be used for other use case to be test-bedded for stringent automotive requirement.

*We invite submissions from international startups who have registered in Taiwan. The competition presentations can be submitted in either Chinese or English.




  1. 有效增加渦輪葉片再生設備之產能利用率,提升產線自動化比率,節省產線維護人力。
  2. 作為設備壽命評估及智慧產線管理之應用。
  3. 預先診斷設備問題,提高設備維護能效,減少設備損壞造成產線效率降低及財損。



  1. 善化農場每年收穫約21萬噸甘蔗,供應糖廠產製本土二砂糖。善化糖廠112年產生約5.8萬噸蔗渣(含水量>48%),開工期間作為燃料,2.4萬噸做為堆肥使用。
  2. 3.4萬噸蔗渣經鍋爐直接燃燒,產生蒸氣帶動發電機產生約350萬度電力,僅供糖廠製糖期使用。
  3. 蔗渣鍋爐所產生之1萬噸煙灰則移運蔗園作為肥料。
  1. 提升蔗渣鍋爐能源效率,期能全年產出綠電並達碳中和之效果。
  2. 導入生質能設施全年運作之可行性營運模式(含綠電躉售/憑證、副產物應用、鄰避效應緩解等)與分析。
  3. 建立線上平台,可定期監測生質能設施碳排數據及分析減碳績效。







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LITEON Zhonghe Factory


In line with future ESG trends and bearing the corporate social responsibility of a world-class electronics company, LITEON seeks opportunities for resource reuse based on its core business. The goal is to achieve resource sustainability within a circular economy.


Leveraging external startup technologies, LITEON aims to degrade and recycle waste epoxy materials produced during the LED manufacturing process at its Zhonghe Factory. These recycled materials can then be used in LED products.

Expected Benefits:

  1. Increase the use of PIR (post-industrial recycled) materials, thereby reducing production line waste.
  2. Efficiently recycle and reuse resources, lowering the carbon footprint and reducing raw material costs.
  3. Enhance the company’s sustainability value.







  • 風機零組件維護排程。
  • 風機零組件儲放位置。
  • 風機零組件運輸追蹤。
  • 維護技術人員、機具調度。
  • 操作、檢驗、風險評估等文件管理。
  • 天氣監測系統。




1. 可減少人員計算及評估混凝土生產暨運輸碳排的負荷,並能減少計算錯誤等疏失。
2. 可有效選擇運輸路線以減少碳排及耗能。
3. 可選擇最適當之生產廠。
4. 可選擇適當之配比進行供應,並降低退轉料等因素產生之碳排量。
5. 可選用不同之規範進行計算,即時因應法規。




1. 改善空調冰水幹管供水溫度及效率。
2. 降低冰水系統一二次側水溫溫差。
3. 提升無塵室空調設備之溫濕度控制效益。
4. 提升冰水主機運轉效率。
5. 可監視車間之溫溼度狀況空調箱&冰機耗電&室內溫度下降等標的。



題目一 優化冷凍中式點心包裝材積的使用率的解決方案


題目二 環保餐盒的解決方案


題目一 優化冷凍中式點心包裝材積的使用率的解決方案

  1. 改善本公司的中式點心的包裝方式及設計,簡化包材量測程序(但需具精準度)、優化材積使用率,減少公司的運輸成本,及在運輸過程中減少碳排放。
  2. 針對國內運輸來提供解決方案,優化包裝方式及設計。
  3. 針對國際海運來提供解決方案,優化包裝設計及裝貨櫃方式。
  4. 優化的包裝方式及設計能夠更有效的增加公司庫存量及方便周轉。
  5. 改變後的包裝方案整體考量投資改善金額、人力、包裝材質費用、運送成本後仍能具有效益
  6. 若能提供環保包材的建議尤佳。

題目二 環保餐盒的解決方案

  1. 餐盒菜色含有湯汁,故餐盒的包裝材料必須能夠保水,且不會皺縮變形。
  2. 包裝材料需要能夠耐低溫(-18度C以下),在冷凍保存及運輸過程中不會脆裂破損。
  3. 包裝材料需要能夠耐微波的溫度(約100度C以上),微波加熱不因受熱而變形。須考量食品衛生安全,能完全密封,不滋生致病菌。
  4. 封膜易撕,友善使用者。
  5. 冷凍餐盒的的包裝材料需要具有ESG的意涵(環境永續、幸福生活)。



維持良好的休息站服務品質與環境,是南仁湖企業的重要任務,因應 2050 淨零碳排的目標,提升能源使用效率、強化循環經濟應用亦是未來發展方向的主流。協助南仁湖企業建立一套營運流程系統,透過智能監控與維運,提升國道休息站的服務品質,並提升用電使用效率的全域解決方案。 導入
  1. 可有效提升能源使用效率的技術或軟硬體設備。
  2. 可有效降低商場成本之軟硬體設備。
  3. 可有效提升顧客滿意度之軟硬體設備。









  1. 房客入住期間於飯店範圍內能經由簡單的點選完成預約或即時交送服務。
  2. 房客端顯示預估接送車輛到達時間,負責交送的車號,並於車輛到達時主動通知及查詢等。
  3. 線上的服務同仁能清楚任務派送,叫車時間,乘車地點,目的地,任務逾時提醒等。


  1. 如何提供舒適、安全的接送服務,並且提供便利的預訂和信息查詢系統,以提升客戶體驗。
  2. 如何通過節能減排、資源回收和廢物管理等措施,減少對環境的影響,同時提供舒適、高效的住宿體驗。



題目一 豆渣/茶渣製成高價值產品


題目二 有機污泥零排放


題目一 豆渣/茶渣製成高價值產品

  1. 利用創新技術將需付費處理之豆渣/茶渣轉化為高價值的產品進而販售,廢棄物變黃金。
  2. 發展可銜接廠內製程的技術,將豆渣/茶渣100%資源化,達到製程零廢棄物。

題目二 有機污泥零排放

  1. 情境:工廠的廢水處理池業經多道程序降低有機污泥產生量及含水率,並藉此降低後續處理費用。參訪國外食品大廠時,得知其使用特殊菌種達到有機污泥零排放。
  2. 目的:尋找污泥減量的源頭改善方式,源頭不產出有機污泥。


Download detailed requirements and descriptions with the red button above.

Background: The capacity of a battery tends to decrease with the number of charge and discharge cycles because the battery undergoes chemical and physical changes during these processes, affecting its performance and lifespan. Current international standards such as EPEAT or TCO only require that the battery capacity of laptops remains above 80% after 500 charge and discharge cycles. Improving the capacity retention after repeated charge and discharge cycles can significantly enhance the overall lifespan and mobility of the laptop.

Objective: The goal is for the laptop battery to maintain a capacity of 80% or above after 1200 charge and discharge cycles, or alternatively, 70% or above after 1400 cycles.

Testing Standard: IEC 61960-3:2017

Acceptable Report: A report issued by an ISO 17025 accredited laboratory.

*We invite submissions from international startups who have registered in Taiwan. The competition presentations can be submitted in either Chinese or English.



題目一 產品碳足跡管理平台建置

  1. 巿面上碳盤查平台主要以發展組織盤查為主,缺少針對產品碳足跡數位平台和碳管理應用方案。
  2. 盤查資料來源廣泛,既有原始數據需耗費大量人工時收集彙整。


  1. 電腦機房為必備之設施,每年因企業需求成長,不斷增購設備並24小時運作。
  2. 電腦機房佔據公司用電費用為大宗,一年累積下來企業電費將是一筆巨大成本。
  3. 目前市面上缺少針對機房節能之相關解決方案(如:如何降低資訊設備用電量等等…)。

題目一 產品碳足跡管理平台建置



  1. 來自內部組織營運與外部供應鏈等多單位活動數據,全球排放係數管理、均依賴人力收集、彙整與數據管理。
  2. 缺乏系統性監控資料品質與異常分析。


運用新興節能技術,解決原電腦機房分散管理程序不一及資源無 法共享問題,有效降低機房設置及維護成本,並優化機房能源效率。

  1. 可減少並量化管理電腦機房能耗成本的硬體設備或解決方案。
  2. 可提高散熱通風功率以減少降溫設備運作耗電的相關設計。
  3. 協助企業機房減少碳排與量化管理的解決方案。



隨著全球對氣候變遷的重視,加上政府宣示2050淨零目標,各企業無不開始著手評估或導入再生能源,以達RE100之目標。但在發電特性與用電型態無法完美匹配之下,即使RE100並不代表無碳產生,因此以24/7為目標的全時綠電,才能真正做到使用100%無碳電力,但企業如何進一步達成 24/7 CFE (全時無碳電力)的目標將是一大課題。

依據企業用電歷史資料與台灣地區不同緯度之再生能源發電實場過去發電數據,搭配中央氣象署歷史日照、風力資料,提供建議與分析, 以協助企業以最低成本,最佳方式,達到每週7天每天24小時 (24/7) 使用100%無碳電力的目標。







題目一 水資源管理平台

  1. 如何即時監控用水、回收水、廢水關係,藉由水資源管理系統來監控用水狀態,進而建立更有效率的水資源及精簡使用。
  2. 氨氮廢水減量。

題目二 熱逸散儲存能源開發、加熱單元節電管理

  1. 加熱設備排出的廢氣一般是高溫廢氣,廢氣帶有大量熱能,直接進行熱排,無形中持續耗費能源。尋求廢熱利用再循環方案。
  2. 具高溫熱能設備性質,其本體有與環境有對流熱交換產生,除耗能外也增加廠房空調負荷。尋求工安考量前提下,有效改善方案。
  3. 加熱設備到達目標溫度時,加熱器仍有餘熱,導致過度升溫,造成能耗。(OVEN、CVD、PVD或具heater相關設備)。

題目一 水資源管理平台


  1. 減少、取代及再利用的方式來達成水資源有效利用,以達到環保和節省水資源使用目標。
  2. 辦公廠區的生活用水(廁所沖洗etc),使用回收水、再生水達到減少水資源支出,持續改善水資源效率,增加獲利。
  3. 經過監控與相關對策以降低污染水排放的方式,達成國際標準。=>期望於滿產能時,NH3N放流濃度 < 20 mg/l,經濟效益預期提升>50%。

題目二 熱逸散儲存能源開發、加熱單元節電管理

  1. 尋求更經濟之高效能熱交換器的使用,將廢熱回收儲存,做為進氣端預熱能源,降低加熱區能源使用。評估節電約40~50%。
  2. 加熱設備表面溫度200~250度,若尋求有效熱隔離方案。若可降至50~70度,評估節電約30%(未含空調節能)。
  3. 節約充電機制,接近充飽電時會減少電流輸出機制。導入變頻機制改善能耗。評估節電約20%(未含空調節能)。


Submission Term
  • Applications are being accepted immediately till 23:59 on May 31, 2024 (Friday).
  • After completing registration on the competition website, participating startups will receive an Application Confirmation Letter. The implementer will consider the time shown in this email to take precedence.
  • Applications and additional documents submitted after the deadline will not be accepted.
About Topics
For the topics provided by the topic-proposing companies, please watch the proposing topics video on the competition website (the organizer will invite topic-proposing companies to explain their requirements and expected goals).

How to Apply

  • If the participating startup’s eligibility and entry documents meet requirements, the implementer will send an email stating that “the entry documents is approved”within 7 working days. Once the participating startup receives this email, the application process is considered complete, and they will proceed to the preliminary round.
  • If any information is missing, such entrants will be notified to provide the missing documents; supplement must be completed within 5 working days of receiving the notification. The last day for supplementing documents is June 7 (Friday); after this, the implementer will not accept documents.
  • Each participating startup in the Enterprise Category may choose up to two topics for participation in the competition. Once a topic is selected, it can not be changed.
  • If the startup is addressing two topics, two separate files must be submitted. Proposals submitted by each participating startup will be reviewed by preliminary documentation assessment.
  • Participating startups that pass the preliminary round are required to participate in the entire course of the competition, including enterprise mentoring activities and related activities arising from the competition.
✓Proposal Presentation (Attachment 2) ✓Intellectual Property Rights Authorization and Declaration Form (Attachment 3) ✓Confidentiality Consent Form (Attachment 4) ✓Personal Information Provision Consent Form (Attachment 5)


  • 團題⽬理解程度
  • 解題提案設計完整度(如:解決的關鍵痛點、解決方案情境規劃、解題效益等)
  • 解題提案時程及階段任務說明
  • 需求分析及目標
  • 團隊成員經歷背景
  • 團隊⽬前營運現況
  • 核⼼技術應⽤ (或專利取得情形)
  • 國內外合作對象與實績說明
  • 過往專案實績
  • 使用的技術困難度及概念在現有技術下之可執行性
  • 技術落地可能性
  • 實證場域導入規劃


  • 由參賽企業現場Pitch (簡報10分鐘、QA 10分鐘),進行複賽審查。
  • 由複賽晉級之優選企業可獲得競賽獎勵金新臺幣(下同)20萬(名單於競賽網頁公告),惟每一參賽企業僅得以一題領取優選獎勵金並進入決賽。
  • 解題方案技術架構與步驟規劃
  • 解題方案之成熟度及穩定性
  • 解題方案供應穩定或具快速應變能力
  • 解題方案成果優勢、成果應用及是否衍伸加值服務
  • 解題執行內容與情形說明
  • 解題方案解決及關鍵之問題
  • 導入前後之優化差異說明
  • 用戶滿意度與回饋
  • 解題方案可適用於產業大部分業者之需求(未來市場機會)
  • 與出題企業持續合作意向或下一階段執行意願
  • 解題方案(技術、服務)商業化或市場擴散規劃
  • 解題方案全球通用特性、國際服務營運能力




  • 解題方案技術架構與步驟規劃
  • 解題方案之成熟度及穩定性
  • 解題方案供應穩定或具快速應變能力
  • 解題方案成果優勢、成果應用及是否衍伸加值服務
  • 團隊成員經歷背景
  • 團隊⽬前營運現況
  • 核⼼技術應⽤ (或專利取得情形)
  • 國內外合作對象與實績說明
  • 過往專案實績
  • 解題方案可適用於產業大部分業者之需求(未來市場機會)
  • 與出題企業持續合作意向或下一階段執行意願
  • 解題方案(技術、服務)商業化或市場擴散規劃
  • 解題方案全球通用特性、國際服務營運能力

Awards and Obligations


Participating Startups’Obligations

  1. All participating startups registering for the competition are deemed to have fully understood all the contents of these Application Instructions and the rules of the competition, and to have agreed to fully comply with all rules stated. The organizer and implementer have the right to revoke violators’ eligibility to participate and reclaim all the subsidies for verification cost and awards. Such violations may also be publicly announced. If a participating startup violates these Instructions or the competition rules, causing damage to the organizer, implementer, or any other third party, the participating startup shall bear all liabilities for damages (including, but not limited to, compensation for damages to third parties, legal fees, litigation costs, and travel expenses).
  2. Participating startups that pass the preliminary round are required to participate in the entire course of the competition, including enterprise mentoring activities and related activities arising from the competition.
  3. Participating startups must handle any disputes regarding their internal division of labor or distribution of rights (such as receiving and distributing verification cost) on their own; the organizer and implementer shall not be involved in such matters.
  4. Participating startups must provide basic company information to the organizer and implementer during the application process, and must not impersonate or steal the identity of any third party. Otherwise, they shall bear all legal liabilities for such.
  5. Selected participating startups must comply with the requests from organizer and implementer in regard to selection, recognition, media interviews, etc., and must comply with the effectiveness follow-up trackings requested by organizer and/or implementer for three years.
  6. Subsidies obtained from the competition (for verification cost) are subject to withholding tax in accordance with relevant regulations (the organizer is responsible for withholding tax). In accordance with tax laws and regulations, if the value of the subsidy exceeds NT$20,000, the organizer and implementer will withhold 10% tax for domestic recipients and 20% for foreign recipients. Finalists must assign a representative to attend the award ceremony and comply with the organizer and implementer in subsequent income tax declaration procedures.
  7. Regarding matters related to the application for verification fees, the procedures shall be conducted in accordance with Articles 17-1 and 19 of Subsidy, Reward and Assistance Regulations for Promoting Industry Innovation of Ministry of Economic Affairs.
  8. If any member of the participating startup is an SMESA public servant or related party, he or she must fill out the Disclosure Form for Public Servants and Related Persons (Attachment 6).
  9. When participating startups conduct onsite visits and attend related meetings, they must cooperate with the requirements of the topic-proposing companies in providing or signing confidentiality agreements or non-disclosure agreements (NDAs), questionnaire surveys, and other related operational procedures as needed.

Competition Proposals

  1. All competition proposals must be new proposals that have not been disclosed in any form (including, but not limited to, public exhibitions and presentations) on any occasion, and must not involve any plagiarism or counterfeiting.
  2. Competition proposals must not contain content that touches on sensationalism, pornography, violence, or harms to the social order or public morals.
  3. All competition proposals submitted by participating startups may be used by the organizer and implementer in/on any promotional websites, promotional materials, reports, and other related public platforms. The organizer and implementer may also use such proposals in an unlimited, permanent, irrevocable, and public manner, at no charge. Participating startups also agree to authorize the organizer and implementer to present the content, in whole or in part, through any and all legal, legitimate broadcasting channels, printing methods, existing and future invention methods or media (including, but not limited to, reproduction, adaptation, modification, public display, public transmission, public broadcasting, etc.), and publicly disclosed and published with no further notice given nor additional consent gained from the participating startups.
  4. The competition organizer and implementer encourage subsequent collaboration between the topic-proposing companies and participating startups in any form. Participating startups have the right to use their proposals for public display, reproduction, adaptation, printing, product development, sales, and sublicensing to others.
  5. The content of solution proposals and materials submitted by participating startups must comply with copyright, patent, trademark, image rights, privacy rights, personal data protection, and other legal regulations. When involving the rights of third parties, legal authorization from the rights holders must be obtained. There shall be no plagiarism, theft, counterfeiting, or other infringement of the rights of others. If any violation of the law, these Application Instructions, or competition rules, or any false statements or infringements of the rights of others are discovered, reported, or disclosed, participating startups shall bear all legal liabilities. Any violation of the aforementioned matters verified to be true shall result in revocation of competition eligibility; any winning status will be rescinded, and subsidy for verification cost, certificates, and trophies will be demanded back.

The Rights of Organizer and Implementer

  1. With any matters not covered in these Application Instructions or competition rules, the organizer and implementer reserve the right to amend, delete, or modify the competition’s regulations as necessary. Any changes will be announced on the competition website, and no separate notification will be given.
  2. Topic-proposing companies and participating startups engaged in the competition are deemed to have agreed to these Application Instructions and competition rules. In the event of any disputes, the organizer and implementer reserve the right of final interpretation.
  3. For the purposes of participating startup management, registration management, identity verification during the competition period, communication, subsidy distribution, project-related information dissemination, publicity, and related administrative operations, the organizer and implementer may collect, process, and utilize the personal data provided by the participating startups. Participating startups shall also guarantee that their provision of personal data does not violate personal data laws. Regarding personal data provided by participating startups as a result of this competition, individuals have the right, in accordance with Article 3 of the Personal Data Protection Act, to request access, obtain copies, supplement/correct, request cessation of collection, processing, or utilization, and if necessary, request deletion, except where retention is required by law. If the exercise of the aforementioned rights affects participation, selection, evaluation, or entitlement to prizes and/or receipt of subsidy for verification cost), said persons shall bear liability for such.

Other Rules

  1. The number of awards will be flexibly adjusted by the evaluation committee based on the proposed solution concepts of the participating startups and actual circumstances. If necessary, the number of awards may be increased, or no award given.
  2. Topic-proposing companies and participating startups agree to maintain confidentiality regarding any trade secrets or other confidential information learned or acquired, as a result of participating in the competition, from the organizer, implementer, or any other party. They shall not disclose or divulge such information to any third party by any means, nor shall they use such information for their own benefit or the benefit of others outside the scope of the competition’s purpose or legal authorization from other parties. Both the topic-proposing companies and participating startups are required to sign the Confidentiality Consent Form (Attachment 4). In the event of any violation of the confidentiality agreement, the organizer and implementer have the right to terminate cooperation, cancel competition participation& award eligibility, and reclaim related rewards. Violators shall also be liable for damages, and any breach of contract by their employed personnel shall be considered a breach by the respective party.
  3. Regarding interpretation and application of the competition’s Application Instructions and rules, the organizer and implementer reserve the right of final interpretation. Any related disputes shall be governed by the laws of the Republic of China (Taiwan), and shall be under the jurisdiction of the Taiwan Taipei District Court as the court of first instance.
Award Obligations
Award Obligations
  1. NT$200,000 (tax included)
  2. As a general principle, two participating startups will be awarded for each topic.
Each participating startup that passes the Semi-Final round will receive a NT$200,000 subsidy for verification cost, which will be disbursed upon completion of the following:
  1. Participate in at least one exchange or sharing event organized by the organizer and implementer.
  2. Provide a demo or introduction video (content should include data or products related to this competition) to the organizer and implementer for subsequent promotion and display.
參賽新創義務 1.凡報名參加本競賽之參賽新創,即視為已充分瞭解本須知所有內容以及競賽規則,並且願意完全遵守本競賽所述之各項規則,如有違反者,主辦單位及執行單位有權取消參賽資格並追回驗證費用與獎項,且得公告之;若參賽新創因違反本須知或競賽規則,致損害主辦單位及執行單位或其他任何第三人相關權益,該參賽新創應負所有損害賠償責任(包括但不限於該第三人之損害賠償費、律師費、訴訟費、差旅費等)。 2.通過初賽之參賽新創應全程參與本競賽,包括企業輔導活動及因本競賽所衍生之相關活動。 3.參賽新創就其內部分工或權益分配(如驗證費用領取及分配),若有任何爭議,應自行處理,與主辦單位及執行單位無涉。 4.參賽新創應於參賽申請時提供企業基本資料予主辦單位及執行單位,且不得冒用或盜用任何第三人之資料,否則將自負一切法律責任。 5.獲選之參賽新創必須配合主辦單位及執行單位之要求,進行相關選拔、表揚及媒體採訪報導等工作,並須配合主辦單位及執行單位進行後續效益追蹤三年。 6.競賽所得之費用(驗證費用)應依相關規定扣繳所得稅(主辦單位需代扣繳稅額)。依據稅法規定,獎項價值超過新臺幣20,000元者,主辦單位及執行單位將依法代得獎者扣10%稅額、國外人士代扣20%稅額。獲獎企業應推派一名代表出席領獎,並配合主辦單位及執行單位進行後續所得稅申報作業。 7.關於驗證費用申請相關事項,依經濟部協助產業創新活動補助獎勵及輔導辦法第十七條之一、第十九條之規定辦理。 8.參賽新創若任一企業成員屬經濟部中小及新創企業署之公職人員或關係人者,應填具【附件六】公職人員及關係人身分關係揭露表。 9.參賽新創進行實地參訪或相關會議時,應依出題企業需求配合提供或簽署保密協議書(NDA)、問卷調查等相關作業流程。 參賽提案 1.所有參賽提案必須為尚未以任何形式揭露(包括但不限於公開展示及發表)於各場合之新提案,且不得有抄襲仿冒情事者。 2.參賽提案不得具影射腥、羶、色情、暴力或危害社會秩序、善良風俗等內容。 3.所有參賽新創繳交之參賽提案,主辦單位及執行單位得於任何本競賽之宣傳網站、文宣、報導等相關公開版面上使用,且得以不限地區、無償、永久且不可撤銷、公開之形式使用,參賽新創亦同意授權主辦單位及執行單位得以各種合法正當播映管道、印刷方式、現有及日後發明之方式或媒介呈現內容之全部或部分(包括但不限於以重製、改作、修飾、公開展示、公開傳輸、公開播送等方式使用參賽提案),並可公開發表,且無須再通知或經參賽新創審核同意。 4.本競賽主辦單位及執行單位鼓勵出題企業與參賽新創進行不限於任何形式之後續合作,參賽新創擁有自行運用於公開展示、重製、改作、印製及商品開發販售及再授權他人等權利。 5.參賽新創所申請之解題方案及提供資料之內容須遵守著作權、專利權、商標權、肖像權、隱私權、個人資料保護等法律規定,如涉及第三人權利時,應取得權利人之合法授權,不得有涉及抄襲、剽竊、仿冒或其他侵害他人權益之情事。若經發現、檢舉、告訴或告發有違反法律、本須知或競賽規則、不實陳述或有侵害他人權益之情事,參賽新創應負擔一切法律責任,若有違反前開事項,並經查證屬實,取消參賽資格;獲獎者,將予以撤銷並要求返還驗證費用及獎狀、獎盃。 主辦單位及執行單位之權利
  1. 本須知及競賽規則若有未盡事宜,主辦單位及執行單位得視實際需要保留刪減及修改競賽相關須知之權利,若有任何更動,皆以競賽網站公告為準,將不另行通知。
  2. 參與本競賽之出題企業及參賽新創,視為同意本須知及各項規則,若有任何爭議,主辦單位及執行單位保有最終解釋權。
  3. 基於參賽新創管理、報名管理、競賽期間身分確認、聯繫、寄送獎勵、計畫相關訊息聯繫、宣傳及相關行政作業等目的,主辦單位及執行單位得蒐集、處理及利用參賽新創所提供之個人資料,參賽新創並應擔保其提供個人資料之行為並未違反個資法規。針對參賽新創因本競賽所提供之個人資料,當事人得依個人資料保護法第三條向主辦單位及執行單位請求查詢閱覽、製給複製本、補充或更正、停止蒐集處理或利用,必要時亦可請求刪除,惟依法必須保留者不在此限。若因前述權利之行使致影響參加遴選審查或得獎及受領驗證費用權益者,應自負責任。
  1. 競賽獲獎名額將由審查委員視參賽新創解題方案構想,與實際情況作彈性考量,必要時得以「增額或從缺」辦理。
  2. 出題企業、參賽新創同意就其因參與本競賽而知悉或持有主辦單位及執行單位或他方之商業機密及其他機密資訊,負有保密義務,不得以任何方法洩漏或公開予其他第三人,亦不得於本競賽目的或他方合法授權範圍外為自己或其他人之利益,使用該資訊。出題企業及參賽新創均須簽署【附件四】之保密同意書,如有違反本保密約定者,主辦單位及執行單位有權終止合作、取消參加選拔、得獎資格、追回相關獎勵,違反者並應負損害賠償責任,且聘僱人員之違約行為,亦視為該方之違約。
Award Obligations
Award Obligations
  1. NT$600,000 (tax included)
  2. Only one participating startup will be awarded for each topic.
  3. A free co-working space (one seat) at Startup Terrace or Startup Terrace Kaohsiung for one year (however other) fees such as depositsmust still be paid).
Each participating startup that passes the Final round will receive NT$600,000 subsidy for verification cost, which will be disbursed upon completion of the following:
  1. Participate in at least one exhibition, promotion, or experiential event, with at least 50 attendees, organized by the organizer and implementer. After the event, evidence of participation (such as event photos or lessons learned from the participation) must be submitted to the organizer and implementer.
  2. Provide a demo or introduction video (content should include data or products related to this competition) to the organizer and  implementer for subsequent promotion and display.
  3. Sign a residency agreement with Startup Terrace or Startup Terrace Kaohsiung .





The shortlist has not yet been announced,please stay tuned.


1.How much prize money can a participating startup receive at most?

Q:How much prize money can a participating startup receive at most?
A:A participating startup can receive up to NT$800,000 prize if it is selected as the winner at the final round. The team can receive prize of NT$200,000 when it passes the semi-final and becomes one of the Finalists to the final round; and an additional NT$600,000 if the team is selected as the winner at the final round.

2.Can multiple sets of enterprise topics be submitted simultaneously?

Q: Can multiple sets of enterprise topics be submitted simultaneously?
A: Each participating startup can select up to two topics to compete in. Once a topic is selected, it cannot be changed.

3.Is there a registration fee required?

Q:Is there a registration fee required?
A:No registration fee is required for this competition.

4.What should I do if I encounter any issues during the registration or application document submission process?

Q:What should I do if I encounter any issues during the registration or application document submission process?
A:Please fill out the inquiry form located at the bottom of the website under "Contact Us," or contact the execution team at (02)2577-4249 ext. 290/546; (07)338-3827 ext. 309 by phone.

5.Will the results of the semi-final and finalists rounds be notified?

Q:Will the results of the semi-final and finalists rounds be notified?
A:The executing unit will notify the contact person via email, and please pay attention to announcements on this website.

6.Are there any obligations that need to be fulfilled?

Q:Are there any obligations that need to be fulfilled?
•Finalists must fulfill the following obligations:
1)Participate in at least one exchange or sharing event organized by the organizer and implementer.
2)Provide a demo or introduction video (content should include data or products related to this competition) to the organizer and implementer for subsequent promotion and display.

•Winners must fulfill the following obligations:
1)Participate in at least one exhibition, promotion, or experiential event, with at least 50 attendees, organized by the organizer and implementer. After the event, evidence of participation (such as event photos or lessons learned from the participation) must be submitted to the organizer and implementer.
2)Provide a demo or introduction video (content should include data or products related to this competition) to the organizer and implementer for subsequent promotion and display.
3)Sign a residency agreement with Startup Terrace or Startup Terrace Kaohsiung.

7.When is the deadline for application?

Q:When is the deadline for application?
A:The application deadline is at 23:59 on May 31, 2024 (Friday). After completing the application, the system will send an Application Confirmation Letter; the implementer will consider the time shown in this email to take precedence.

8.Are there any restrictions on the number and identity of participants?

Q:Are there any restrictions on the number and identity of participants?
A:There is no limit on the number of participants. Participants must be employees of the company. All members of the participating startup listed on the online application form must personally sign the consent form Personal Information Provision Consent Form (Attachment 5) (All members can sign on the same consent form.)

9.What are the filling rules for Attachment 6?

Q:What are the filling rules for Attachment 6?
A:If any member of the participating startup is an SMESA public servant or related party, he or she must fill out the Disclosure Form for Public Servants and Related Persons (Attachment 6). Please provide the required documents together when submitting.

10.If I want to provide a 6-minute pitch video, what should be the production direction of the video content?

Q:If I want to provide a 6-minute pitch video, what should be the production direction of the video content?
A:The 6-minute or less video presentation of the solution is an excellent opportunity to present the proposal. It is recommended that participating startups focus on planning the solution and providing technical explanations. If there are physical products or services, they can also be presented in the video.

11.Can the contact person from the competition's topic-proposing company be provided?

Q:Can the contact person from the competition's topic-proposing company be provided?
A:All the communication affairs for this competition are conducted through the executing units (Startup Terrace or Startup Terrace Kaohsiung) with the topic-providing company. We regret that we cannot provide contact information for individual companies.

Q:Will topic-proposing companies also sign Confidentiality Consent Form?
A:Yes, both the topic-proposing companies and participating startups are required to sign the Confidentiality Consent Form (Attachment 4)

Previous Topic-Proposing Companies

Contact Us

    • Implementer

    • Email:

    • Tel:(02) 2369-2358 #290 #546

    • (07)338-3827 #309